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Physical Education


At Liberty Primary we believe that a healthy body and mind is the key to a successful education. Through Physical Education we aim to equip our children with the tools needed to ensure they can live an active and healthy lifestyle and guide them to make the right choices in the future.

We intend to deliver high quality teaching and learning opportunities to our pupils that will motivate and encourage them to be more conscious of their physical and mental health whilst also inspiring pupils to succeed and challenge themselves.

We want pupils at Liberty Primary school to have access to a range of sports through our diverse and challenging curriculum which will enable them to acquire skills such as leadership, team work, problem solving, and communication and to develop fundamental movement and sport specific skills.

We are proud of our Gold sports mark award which confirms that we are committed to providing an in depth curriculum, giving all children opportunities to compete and attend clubs, developing and training our sports leaders and teachers and that we are dedicated to providing access to physical education to our pupils.



PE at Liberty Primary school is taught by a combination of class teachers, PE specialists and qualified sports coach.

In line with the National Curriculum, all children receive 2 hours a week of quality Physical Education lessons. We recognise that children have different physical abilities and our provision ensure that all pupils’ needs are catered for. Our sports coach delivers  parts of the curriculum with a focus on the key skills that children need to succeed and progress in that sport.

In Key Stage 1, pupils are encouraged develop their physical ability by learning to master fundamental movement skills such as balance, agility, coordination, running, turning, jumping throwing and catching. This is achieved by providing pupils with the opportunity to work both individually and in small groups, utilising a mixture of simple cooperative, competitive and non-competitive activities.

In Key Stage 2, pupils continue to develop and refine their fundamental movement skills and are encouraged to perform these skills in isolation and where appropriate in conjunction with each other to provide a sequence of movements that is pleasing to the eye. Pupils will also take part in more games based activities, (for example, basketball, hockey, football, tennis & rounders), as well as dance and gymnastics to further their learning. Pupils will learn to compare and evaluate their own learning and performance in PE.

Pupils in Year 4 are provided with swimming lessons to ensure that they are taught vital life skills. These lessons focus on children becoming confident swimmers with an understanding of water safety.


Children are invited to attend a range of competitive sporting events within the local area. This is an inclusive approach where we aim to give each child the opportunity to develop teamwork and communication skills within a competitive environment.


We also liaise with different outside providers to engage our pupils with a wide variety of sports during the year.

  •  Children have equal opportunities to take part in a range of sports and physical activities within a supportive environment where effort as well as success is recognised.
  • Children with additional needs are provided with appropriate support to enable them access the learning and gain confidence in skills and understanding.
  • All pupils participate in the Daily Mile which takes place 3 times a week on the days they do not have PE.
  • All pupils have swimming lessons in year 4 working towards achieving their 25m swim badge.
  • Pupils are taught about health through fitness, diet and mental well-being.
  • Children have the opportunity to attend a variety of competitions both in and outside of school.



A member of staff has overall leadership for assessing the intent, implementation and impact of the whole curriculum that we offer here at Liberty Primary School.  This leader has overall vision of the monitoring and evaluation and will guide staff in their roles and responsibilities each term and make necessary adaptations to the curriculum to enable pupil’s success within Physical Education.

Books about sports

Sports celebrations

Community links
