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Attendance and Punctuality

These is an overwhelming connection between those pupils who are frequently absent from school and those who go on to underachieve. 


Full attendance is therefore vital for your child's educational progress and they are expected to attend for the full 190 days of the academic year, unless there is a good reason for absence.  


If absence is unavoidable, please ring the school office on the first day of absence on 020 8646 5290.  


In the event that your child has had symptoms of vomiting and/or diarrhea, they should not be sent to school until at least 48 hours after the last bout. The same procedure should be followed if your child is sent home from school for vomiting and/or diarrhea.  


If your child needs to leave school during school time for an appointment, a note must be sent beforehand. No child will be allowed to leave school during the school day unacompanied.


School doors open at 8.45am.  
